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Acupuncture is the application of needles into specific points on the skin surface to cause a desired healing effect by balancing the energy or “Qi” (pronounced “chee”) in the body.
Acupuncture has been shown to provide pain relief (such as osteoarthritis), promote tissue healing, anti-inflammatory effects, improve quality of life, and assist in end of life care.
Chinese Medicine and the fundamental principles of acupuncture are to treat the patient as an integrated whole and to identify and remedy the root of cause of disease.
What conditions can acupuncture be helpful for?
Acupuncture can be helpful for a number of conditions. Here are some of the most common:
Pets with arthritis, decreased mobility, degenerative myelopathy
Senior pets who appear to have decreased energy or mobility
Post operative healing- cruciate (knee) repair, back surgery, or any other orthopedic surgery
Endocrine diseases such as diabetes, Cushings, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, etc
And much more!
Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is an important part of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. Herbs can often enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture and can be a good option when a pet does not tolerate acupuncture.
Herbs can correct underlying imbalances that cause disease, help to resolve pain, and promote the body’s ability to heal. Chinese herbs can also be used to complement traditional medical treatments.
They are able to treat a number of conditions as well as improve the quality of life for geriatric pets.
Laser Therapy.
Laser Therapy, also known as photo biomodulation, can be used in conjunction with other treatment modalities (both western and eastern) to manage pain, inflammation, and to promote healing. Laser therapy uses light waves of a specific wavelength which causes endorphin release, muscle relaxation, decreased inflammation, and increase blood flow to the area to promote healing.
Laser therapy is a safe and effective way to help a number of conditions both acute and chronic.
Dr. Miller uses a Multi Radiance Veterinary laser which is a handheld laser with programs that can be used for a number of conditions. She also has a special acupuncture probe that allows Dr. Miller to perform laser acupuncture. This is great for patients who will not tolerate traditional acupuncture needles overall or in certain locations.
Conditions laser therapy treats:
Hip Dysplasia
Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder)
Hot Spots
Lick Granulomas
Otitis Externa (Ear infection)
And many more
Laser Therapy can be used as a treatment modality on its own. However, it is even more effective when used in conjunction with other treatment modalities. Dr. Miller will often recommend laser therapy with her acupuncture patients as an “add on” therapy.
Manual Manipulation (VMM).
Manual Manipulation (VMM) is a manual therapy using motion palpation to find restrictions in joints and to alleviate them using quick (gentle) and controlled adjustments. Manual manipulation helps to restore normal range of motion, alleviates pain, improves circulation as well as neurologic function.
Who is a good candidate for Manual Manipulation (VMM)?
Pets with Arthritis and stiffness
Canine Athletes, working dogs, and show dogs to help with posture and agility
Any pet to help to help maintain health and mobility. This is especially important in breeds who are prone to conditions such as IVDD (Frenchies, dachshunds, pugs, and any dog with a long back. Prevention is key!
If you are interested in manual manipulation, Dr. Miller will assess your pet and make sure they are a good candidate for manual manipulation.